Very few firms collect the tax, even when they're required to do so by law. 即使法律要求公司收税,也很少有公司这么做。
In Italy they rarely do things by halves. Designers work thoroughly, producing the world's most wearable clothes in the most beautiful fabrics. 在意大利,人们很少马虎从事。设计师们精益求精,用最美丽的布料制造出世界上最适合穿着的衣服。
As we have tried to show throughout this book, companies that provide outstanding service don't do it by luck. 正如我们一直想在本书中努力表明的那样,提供优质服务的公司靠的不是运气。
Let's do that by your advice. 就依着你说的办吧。
It takes both time and effort to do it by hand. 手工操作既费时又费力。
He's always careful to do things by the book. 他总是小心翼翼地按规章办事。
Get around the way the locals do by cycling through Guilin, in the Guangxi province of China. 你可以用当地居民惯用的交通工具脚踏车来漫游中国广西省的桂林市。
Shopping online, watching movies, listening music and play computer games are the common things that people often do by computer. 网上购物,看电影,听音乐,玩电脑游戏,都是人们常常用电脑做的事。
It always happens when we do what God tells us to do by admitting our struggles to a godly friend. 当我们按照神的吩咐,向敬虔的朋友承认自己的挣扎时,这样的事就会发生。
You need to identify the entry in the server keystore, which you do by specifying the DN and the key alias name. 您需要确定服务器密钥存储库中的条目,这是通过指定DN和密钥别名来实现的。
The team commits to accomplishing the work that it has agreed to do by the end of the iteration, and individuals commit to doing the work that they say they will do. 团队承诺完成迭代末尾商定的工作,而个人承诺进行他们说要完成的工作。
Layout: The whole point of this is system is to let you create Web pages, which you do by creating, moving, and resizing text and image widgets. 布局:这个系统的整个功能就是让您可以通过创建、移动和缩放文本和图像小部件来创建Web页面。
You can do this by using the system wizard deployment tool from the HMC. 您可以使用HMC中的系统向导部署工具来完成这项工作。
Therefore, the next task is to provide some kind of graphical interface in XHTML and PHP, which you can do by adding useful forms to generate powerful Scilab expressions. 因而,下一个任务是用XHTML和PHP提供某种图形界面,为了实现这个目的,可以添加有用的表单来生成功能强大的Scilab表达式。
You can do this by selecting only roles that interest you, as a practitioner. 作为一名从业者,您可以通过只选择那些您感兴趣的角色来进行操作。
You do this by adding a new to the Processes package. 您可以通过向处理过程包中添加一个新的来完成这一操作。
For example, you may want to monitor what Web sites are being accessed from a host, which you can do by looking for the HTTP protocol and only outputting the HTTP lines from the snoop output ( see Listing 19). 例如,可能希望监视正在从某个主机访问哪些网站,那么可以搜索HTTP协议,只在snoop输出中输出HTTP行(见清单19)。
MH03 does all of the same verification tasks you would do by hand, but it does them faster and without forgetting anything. MH03能够达到与手动验证完全相同的效果,但速度更快,也不会有任何遗漏。
They learn to measure the work they do by the number of user stories completed, and they use this number to predict their work for the next iteration. 他们学会通过所完成的用户描述的数量来衡量他们的工作成果,并且根据这一数据来预知下一迭代开发阶段所能完成的工作。
If you haven't done so, make sure you've completed the steps listed above before proceeding with the rest of this article, which you can easily do by reviewing the previous articles in this series. 如果您还不具备这些条件,请确保在继续下文之前完成上述步骤,通过回顾本系列的前几篇文章可以很容易地实现。
What do I plan to do by the next meeting? 下一次会议之前我需要做些什么?
The next step is to create the named cursor, which you do by using the GET CURSOR command along with the necessary SQL query that selects the rows for the cursor. 下一步是创建指定的游标,方法为使用GETCURSOR命令,以及使用必要的SQL查询为游标选择行。
If you need to remove an agent you will have to do it by a process of elimination. 如果您需要删除代理,将必须通过消除进程的方式进行此工作。
This integration is specifically geared toward cost savings and developing highly scalable SaaS applications, which they do by compromising on security and customer segregation requirements. 此集成经过特别的调整,可节约成本和开发具有高度可伸缩性的SaaS应用程序,而这是以牺牲安全性和客户隔离需求(segregationrequirement)为代价。
You need to rename the variables for your datapool, which you can do by clicking the column and entering the new name. 您需要为数据池重新命名变量,您可以点击列并输入新名称。
You can check what some of the function calls do by using grep to find the functions and take a look at their code, as well. 您也可以检查部分函数调用的功能,方法是使用grep来找到那些函数并查看它们的代码。
It is therefore important to ensure that the types do not clash, which you can easily do by using namespaces. 因此,重要的是确保那些类型不会冲突,这可以通过使用名称空间轻松实现。
You can do this by adding one or more secondary tables. 可以通过添加一个或多个辅助表做到这一点。
But GCC won't know this unless we inform it, which is exactly what we do by including% eax and% ecx in the clobbered register set. 但GCC在我们通知它以前是不知道这些的,我们是通过将%eax和%ecx包括在修饰寄存器集中来通知GCC的。
First, lots of things that Snort does by default in restricted directories, it can do by request to non-protected directories. 首先,默认情况下,Snort所做的许多工作都要在受限目录中完成,它可以请求不受保护的目录。